From the archive
- 2008
"The Best Of!", Students exhibition os studio Painting one, Theatre Reduta Brno
"Retrospektív", retrospektiv show of gallery project DUNA TRI in Town museum, Bystřice n.Pernštejnem
- 2007
"Painting I.", Exhibition of FaVU students, gallery Platínium, Brno
"Stars", absolovents show, gallery Aspekt, Brno
"Snarl up in december", Topičův salón, Prag
"Art to Bítov", Show-room state castle Bitov
- 2006
"When dreams come true", students exhibition of prof. Načeradský, Gallery near Good herdsman and Gallery study, Brno
"2006", Exhibition of FaVU students in Town theatres, Brno
"Dívčí sen", Městské muzeum, Bystřice n. Pernštejnem
"Girl's dream", Gallery circulation area in Prag
- 2005
participation on sympoziu in Moravany nad Váhom
"Jana Prekopová/Pictures", Duna tri gallery in Bystřice n. Pernštejnem
- 2004
"Nature / industrial" , Župný building in Púchov
- 2003
"Youngest" National Gallery in Prague , Fair palace, substitution in collections NG in Prague